2025-January 🕰️ Happy New Year! ❄
Hey look! New printable puzzle varieties:
- Diabolical Star Battle (More of the extra hard puzzles)
- Train Tracks (Help the train get to it's destination!)
- Comparison (Greater-than Sudoku in 3 new variants)
- 7 Queens (Star Battle meets Chess)

7 Queens and 9 Queens puzzles
Here are hundreds of free 7 Queens and 9 Queens puzzles suitable for printing.
This puzzle, a Krazydad original, is a cross between Star Battle, and the traditional 8-Queens chess puzzle. I’m offering two varieties: a chessboard-sized 7 Queens puzzle (my personal favorite), and a larger 9 Queens puzzle.
In these puzzles, the board is divided into seven or nine realms, using thick lines. Within each realm lives a lone queen. Your job is to position one queen within each realm. These queens are peaceful and must not attack each other, using chess rules. Therefore each row, column, and diagonal may contain one queen at most. You’ll find it easiest if you identify and mark where the queens can’t go (I use little dots for this).
Each volume is ordered by difficulty, with the easiest puzzles in Book 1, and the hardest in Book 100. If you are new to these puzzles, I recommend you start with Book 1. If you find they are way too easy, skip ahead by 5-10 books or so. If you find the puzzles are getting too hard, move up to Book #1 of the next volume, and they’ll get easier again.
Want to save some trees? Try the interactive version of these puzzles.
7 Queens Puzzles, 4-per-page
7 Queens Puzzles, Volume 1
7 Queens Puzzles, Volume 2
9 Queens Puzzles, 4-per-page
9 Queens Puzzles, Volume 1
9 Queens Puzzles, Volume 2
Don't see the format you prefer? Run out of puzzles? Let me know!