
Puzzle Donations by Mail

In addition to Paypal, I also accept venmo donations, as well as physical letters.

For venmo donations, my user-ID is @jimbumgardner.

If you would prefer to make puzzle donations by mail, and not online, here is my mailing address:

James Bumgardner
PO Box 303
Sun Valley, CA 91353

I can accept checks, cash, and money orders. Please make out your check to "James Bumgardner". Unfortunately, I can't process credit cards by mail. If you'd prefer to use a credit card, please donate via the PayPal service.

If you write me a note or letter, and ask me a question, please supply your email address, if you have one. You may not get a response otherwise, as I really don't like sending outgoing snail mail. Sending your questions via email will almost always get you a same-day (often same hour) response.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

As an alternative to donation, if you'd like to help out by sending a few puzzles to prison inmates, please read this note.

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Despite my curmudgeonly snail mail habits, I truly am thankful for your support over the years! It is you keeping this labor-of-love alive and kicking. Again, feel free to drop me a note any time via email.

Thanks so much!

— Jim